
don't you let me down today

1.After one day's opening up it is certified that blogspot has been banned AGAIN.
2.It is not only me that turned out to be pathetic.
3.Hallelujah to GFW--with my undying sinerity~


visual noise

what a perceptive guy and what an apt phrase don't you think~

this is my final fit my final bellyache. silent. silent.

And I was dumbly gazing at the bit that tells you which films are coming up on the movie channels, when I noticed that at the bottom of each synopsis sat a group of tiny faces. Celebrity faces. Nestling at the end of the paragraph, like part of the typography, as though the editors had done some research and discovered their readers had devolved to the point where their brains can no longer parse text unless it is broken up with miniature photos of their famous imaginary friends grinning back at them.
This is the case with me. feeling weird reading compressed PDF Time without illustrations while digging into the spaghetti and diet cream ads in People. pathetic me.

I just didn't know why, not yet. So I looked at it again. Somewhere in my head, a camel's back splintered beneath a straw. And I understood: this is madness. Genuinely: this is madness. Concepts replaced by faces. Grinning faces. It is not evidence of "dumbing down". It is the disjointed thought process of madness. That this is even vaguely acceptable is the most dizzying madness of all.
Typical CB way of mocking and protesting.

I wanted to run into the street, without even pausing to wipe, and hurl myself, boggle-eyed, at passers-by, flapping the magazine around, screaming: "HELP! WE'VE LOST OUR MINDS! I HAVE PROOF! I HAVE PROOF."
But I didn't. I stayed put; pooing and afraid.
And I thought: Our leaders lie, and we know they have lied, and there is war in our name, and the world kicks and boils itself to death and we do nothing but stare into the tiny grinning faces of people we don't even know; faces that are, apparently, more "fast, easy and practical" than language itself.
I give us six years, tops.

Why do I think of Humbert Humbert? the rational cynic. the sober creep. yet the world crumbles when he bleeds.

sorry for having an opinion

Gee...simply by posting this title I'm gonna be thrown into the beebox by Charlie Brooker. Most in love with him recently. I'm half way through his Guardian(okay I despise myself) archives and about to dig the BBC ones. To be frank this is hardly out of animal magnetism, indeed.

Building up for tomorrow's very-much-likely-to-come presentation on book/movie promo. It's like a miracle to see a film scoring 94% approval and getting, literally, none rotten but all fresh tomatoes in all the critics columns on RT. I'm there for my vocabulary established for prudent compliments. =)

On the FINA championship. I've got to say that it failed Hoogie, and this is the only way to put the whole ludicrous thing. Plus, Popov still beats them all.

Last thing-- the title today is nothing but fake.


what's the matter?

blogspot seems to be in trouble again. now i can only log in from background =(

yesterday's post suffered from my awful typo...I pressed "insert" unconsciously and the whole context became totally a mess. Lord knows when I'll have the chance to make that up. sigh.


astounding truth:this blog looks awful in other's eyes~

I'm in the college pc hall now, facing the dusty preface of my blog. Spoiled by the hi-fi screen of my vaio laptop, I've always been drowning myself in the dream that the setting and arrangement for this vertigo page is beyond okay, and now, disillusion.
This is merely a start of the 4-hour non-stop weekly computer lesson, with a boring teacher, stumbling internet access and some pointless tasks to settle down. The cyber would be cut in no time. I'm gonna fighting till the last minute =v=
Mar.24 would be the day on which our team, I mean the Netherlands, playing the last but one qualification match on its way to next year's EuroCup. Hopefully we'll end up just as good as we did twenty years ago. At that time I was sort of 0.15 years old. ^ ^
It's an intricate momery for my first time EuroCup experience in 2000. The overflowing happiness went on as if the netherlands-never-ends dream would ever be waken. We'd got Edwin who was by then just 30, Zenden & Overmars. Everything for me mixed up to a bittersweet symphony. Miss you much. You all. On that brighter summer day.


i'm on the edge calling for blog posting censorship~

reading The Economist is indeed of great fun. Say, just this moment I found that the leading party(always upright and undoubtedly great party of course) in my beloved country can actually be called..the 3P..for its chinese term literally reads "the Public-Property Party". =v=

just a tiny piece of journal. yap.

i need someone to talk to right here right now

I've been behaving like a geek in this nail-biting wanton freak, i just watched Before Sunset again, literally, again. This is an over-obssession. I'm addicted to not only the film itself but the feelings it stirs in me as well. I'm utterly overwhelmed so that I'm like shivering a bit now, but I just sit here still in my mania, seeming calm and numb. There's a tiny universe exploding inside and it's driving me mad. I really need someone to talk to, all and nothing about this film. So let's suppose we've got the last 10 hours of our lives, shall we talk now?

Given the fact that nobody's actually aware of the existance of this blog, it's no point leaving this here, but I'm just feeling like doing so. If you have any word to say to me, feel free to drop me a line, plz.


itunes不鸟我了 T _T

itunes小乖跟我这么多年 风雨无阻任劳任怨 一度成为我心目中的超级无敌高知受光荣代表~这枚代表~在今天~终于毫无预兆地罢工了 >_<

先是跟nano装不认识 再是不理会某两只文件夹~生拉硬拽没用~从file导入也没用 曲库就是死皮赖脸一动不动 唉

最近的功课是大米.大米.即damien rice.

hey let's talk

and let's not pretend

don't be so harsh to me >_<

just came across this line in the amazon book review zone for our ER aquirement starter <man woman & child>...happening to find this just before i'm about to begin my character analysis is an utter amusement actually ^_^

1 of 5 people found the following review helpful: The Worst Novel I Have Ever Read, July 13, 2000
Zorro-3 "zorro-3" (Marietta, GA USA) - See all my reviewsThis is, without a doubt, the worst commercially published novel I have ever read. The characters are wooden, the writing is stilted. The action flails around, going nowhere for long stretches. Example of the bad writing: The narrator's voice in the novel (third person omniscient) tells us about one of the characters, that she was "fourteen, going on twenty." Now mind you, I don't mean that a character said that in dialogue. The NARRATION said that. Using hackneyed cliche's like that is what I call bad writing. I can't believe that this book is still in print and was actually made into a movie! Spare yourself!

every word is true i mean...that's just the kind of comment a book corny and predictable like this deserves - - i wanna take a bow to this zorro guy and thank him/her for coming up with the words that exactly carried out what i was trying to say yet didn't manage. this is a T-H-X thx!


but simon resolves it all, "come out~" lol.

there's a tendency that I sort of mess everything up..even those beyond my ability..like filling the application forms~several times' manipulation-overtime and i was forced then to refill them again, and again,and even, again. those stupid blanks that leads you to nowhere. when it came to the third time i got really pissed off and after scribbling them up just automatically i presses the "hand in" button without a final scrutinizing-or i would've easily found that the last aquired paragragh writing about self-intro had been in wired format created by our great great text system--now already fixed in its pdf look and no way turning back--that's how i break what i make. just like always.

whaterver ppl say about the tears album i'm still in love with it~ala brett's still there..with bernard =)

tasks listed for tonight..though it's not likely to fulfil..
1.2nd draft of task by alex
2.personality analyse of task by marianne
3.article on college co-op project, for our school press
4.canadian literature brief intro
5.french review...i've just survived the..creepy..grammar study today - - what on earth do french think when they come to their grammar part...>_<
6.commu-study task~fiction time

on soccer= edwin confirmed calf injury and won't be with us in the mar.24th qualification match..arsene prooved over-optimistic on the robin injury thing~rvp returns no earlier than the end of next month...names are piling up in the wounded list T_T marco must have felf bitter on hearing all sorts of news like this >_< orange my orange wish you the best of luck all along the way..

hold on to the idols. lakisha and melinda are doing well while my fav phil still lingering on the edge~ the divas are great vocalists that's for sure, it's just~they never appeal to me.

recently i gonna work on james thurber & plato~don't you think there's drama in that match - - the only problem lies in the lack of time, or the misuse of time. okay i confess. T_T


也许喜欢怀念你 多于看见你

I long for your hands, to reach out for mine, that's something gonna happen, that's something not gonna happen tonight.
Just finished a long insufferable night chocked up of meaningless gossips and insincere laughters. I hate myself when I feel kinda like losing myself and it happens from time to time ever since I've arrived here and that's, sheer crap.
There are always ppl I find hard to get along with, though we appear to be in good terms. Wired feelings gets on my nerves when they show up, I try to beat them up, and they turn into shadows that constantly keep me from the nutritions I long for. That's what i call a comspire. Non decent. Yep a victim paranoid that's the role I've been playing all through this life. Tricky yet fancy. Let me go on with the only personal game I'm allowed here in this confined asylum and let it be my own private juggernaut. I am and I will.
Just no alarms and no surprises please.


everyone needs to be somebody

听力analyse list发下来了 总体蛮好 最低的一项竟然叫做VDS..险胜均分低空飞过..不能接受-_-

..好吧..亲耐地ed..我会努力的..>_< color="#999900">chris r童鞋的动人之处..倒是blake lewis越发顺眼了..印度小弟弟的草裙舞巩固了他在我心目中坚不可摧的小受形象..谁来跟我打赌!!五块钱赌他两周内不会走!!全美的怪大叔和trn姐姐都会挺你到底的!!当然~还有圣洁的vftw~

至于我热爱地philchris s..希望phil不要在bottom3里游荡太久..chris问题不大~



生活的真实感以光速离我而去..远目..所谓幸福所谓希望之类种种~早已不去纠缠了. 只要走下去便是,静候一切此消彼长闭上眼睛看命运光临,没必要知道更多.


{i hope that i choke}

{ i'm on the edge i' out of my mind i can't stand this any more i distrust the world i wanna abandon myself you'd be stunned if you ever gonna know how sick i really am yep that's what i'm saying the creep under this nothing but abhorrent skin i guess there's a little blackhole within me with a most treacle smile it's killing me chronically }

before sunset

一年内第三次看这片子 仍旧深刻着迷 从演员到剧本到配乐到摄影无一不爱

wish you were here

洋葱头.BEAT.plastic people

欣闻A先生在丹麦王储婚礼上公然演唱love is dead..默..您确定不是去砸场子么..婚礼歌手实在不是人人都做得的呀 - -

话说这张新砖在豆瓣上迅猛冲进关注榜top10 始料未及啊始料未及..内心顽固地认为A先生无论如何不适合如此这般光天化日~

不论乐评怎么说 听到一句声嘶力竭的plastic people的瞬间 总还是纠结的不行

大学以来不出所料地沉默了很多 作为对周遭种种的消极抵抗 自我沉溺 扮演受害者 仅有的微不足道的进步是比以往略感心安理得 关于拒绝关于封闭关于独处 可终究还是惶恐 面对巨大冰冷浅薄恐怖然而不可一世的所谓主流生存哲学 不存在任何可能与意愿去与之对撼 这边一部分人所关心的事物大多遥遥位于他们的想像力所及范围之外 因而被粗暴掠夺了存在的价值与意义 客观说来 虽然使用同一种语言 与某些人所能真正交流的东西却比与我的猫沟通感知到的更少 诚然这世上有许多善良的人 可是廉价温情糖衣之下的苍白甚至比无知的暴戾更加可怕 且容易被误用 这就是基本的现实 需要接受并且平静做好长久与之共存的心理准备的现实

如果需要摆出近似结论的字句 不妨这样说 真正让我觉得恐惧或悲哀的是这样一种倾向 在真正能够客观界定一件事之前 我就已然决定用抗拒的姿态将其划入与自身孑然对立的那一边的世界 而那一范畴里的任何存在都永远没有获救的可能

btw 某论坛的洋葱头真是可爱极了 连带着那些实则粗暴无味的人们显得也可爱起来~

okay so finally here i am...

hopefully this time i'm gonna hold on to the blog for a longer period of time...by nature i'm not such fickle a person...believe it or not -v-