puppet show it is
I only feel hilarious now to read things like this. Do your homework and actually LEARN something about human rights status quo in China before putting on the high-minded fighter mask, will you? Tell me sth about how my right has been trampled without my knowing it, will you? As if no propaganda or brainwash has anything to do with you Mr Innocent.
My life is in itself an anticlimax to what it sets out to accomplish.
The second reload in one and a half years, starting fresh...and a total loss mounting to 13.8G equivalence of files, mostly pics and articles, hardly touched even twice, am i a squirrel or something...new theme which failed to cover start menu and frame, though the side bar does look cool~really love the vista default font, full of sense and flow, or in other words, full of appleness XD
Cocooned in my own private nutshell for yet another spring, in the quite postmodern phrase of inward escapism...speaking of postmodernism, it took me almost a year to gasp some still vague sense to understand it, and it means to me now, so to speak, a mixture of destructionism and anarchy, break without make, too ready in denying any existance...that's what occured to me when David joked about our class being so democratic as to always blame the govt, and when the secret vote reached 7-7, 8-8 twice and he stunned and I felt quite hilarious that I almost shouted this is what we call Chinese democracy XD ...but what more can you expect to come out of the mouth of a colossal south park fan anyway? Yeah, back to the point I was trying to make before the self-dissolving started...anyway...anyway...what good is the world out there? I'm a full time avoider of this surrounding, do no evil, or rather, do non.
And then there is the gap. All sound and furies on the surface don't get anyone anywhere. Not that I'm saying this because I don't even get a surface to start with...the pleasure I sense from an unexpected soulmate brings much stronger a rush of hormone regardless of any orientation thing. I'm proud of being a cosmopolitan that doesn't very often give any damn to any behavior of self-prisoning. Yet the simple truth is, man can hardly survive without enthnocentrism and stereotyping. Superiority is what makes each and everyone of us to believe that WE are doing the right course and we represent justice. Any so-called world citizen finally boils down to a rootless tree dying in setdown contempt. And after death there would possibly be dust-up from the wild blind populace's complacence and herd mentality. Well, in claiming the populace to be a clueless mob I just practiced exactly what I hated without the slightest awareness at that moment. You are no savior and I'm no saint. We are just soldiers fighting a losing battle, singing oursleves to sleep night after night on the road to nowhere.
The second reload in one and a half years, starting fresh...and a total loss mounting to 13.8G equivalence of files, mostly pics and articles, hardly touched even twice, am i a squirrel or something...new theme which failed to cover start menu and frame, though the side bar does look cool~really love the vista default font, full of sense and flow, or in other words, full of appleness XD
Cocooned in my own private nutshell for yet another spring, in the quite postmodern phrase of inward escapism...speaking of postmodernism, it took me almost a year to gasp some still vague sense to understand it, and it means to me now, so to speak, a mixture of destructionism and anarchy, break without make, too ready in denying any existance...that's what occured to me when David joked about our class being so democratic as to always blame the govt, and when the secret vote reached 7-7, 8-8 twice and he stunned and I felt quite hilarious that I almost shouted this is what we call Chinese democracy XD ...but what more can you expect to come out of the mouth of a colossal south park fan anyway? Yeah, back to the point I was trying to make before the self-dissolving started...anyway...anyway...what good is the world out there? I'm a full time avoider of this surrounding, do no evil, or rather, do non.
And then there is the gap. All sound and furies on the surface don't get anyone anywhere. Not that I'm saying this because I don't even get a surface to start with...the pleasure I sense from an unexpected soulmate brings much stronger a rush of hormone regardless of any orientation thing. I'm proud of being a cosmopolitan that doesn't very often give any damn to any behavior of self-prisoning. Yet the simple truth is, man can hardly survive without enthnocentrism and stereotyping. Superiority is what makes each and everyone of us to believe that WE are doing the right course and we represent justice. Any so-called world citizen finally boils down to a rootless tree dying in setdown contempt. And after death there would possibly be dust-up from the wild blind populace's complacence and herd mentality. Well, in claiming the populace to be a clueless mob I just practiced exactly what I hated without the slightest awareness at that moment. You are no savior and I'm no saint. We are just soldiers fighting a losing battle, singing oursleves to sleep night after night on the road to nowhere.
deja vu
而譬如说,从沸腾着青春的生命之中,牺牲五六年去从事艰难苦痛的学习从事科学,哪怕只是为着增强自身的力量,以服务自己所爱的真理,和甘愿完成的苦行--这样的牺牲在许多人方面实在是完全力不从心的. --陀思妥也夫斯基<卡拉马佐夫兄弟>
以上 就算为我的宅腐本性平了反 抱大腿感觉真好 =v=
听春虾开会作报告 烦躁难受到发慌 心跳着跳着就乱七八糟地流下泪来 感觉被虐 被强迫屈服与这样的智能性情之下对我简直是种侮辱 大学之后本来已经无所谓什么底线 嘻嘻哈哈也可以把内里保全 显露在外的部分从来就是一滩泥 或者边缘模糊的岛屿 以此在沼泽里用最省力的办法前行
志愿者培训又遇见cy 每次都以为是最后一面 心里大洒狗血 本来挺悲凉的事拖拖拉拉几个来回就美感尽失 当作是意外之喜吧 能装作蛋腚地交谈也是好的 虽然那婚戒越发耀眼(我靠这桥段真俗) 他谈吐里还奔流着少年的浅薄和热血 没有错 是那种熟悉的沾沾自喜和躁动 常见于9至16岁的青春期男青年 至少在我有发言权的领域是如此 言行之间火候正好的霸道 骄傲小孔雀的神态(求偶姿态漂亮持久,屁股还露在外面) 享受花团锦簇的虚荣 对自己魅力的笃定 对春光流转的萝莉塔微微仰视眼神里渴望的洞悉... 男女之间永远不停的角力 可能自从进入工业社会都大同小异 唯一的变化或许是 对这些我早就不优越也不愤怒 强极则辱是天大的真理 先一步放低了姿态 就再也没人有让你觉得被轻视的能力
睫毛天天掉进眼睛里 不痛不痒 烦得很
对于日常生活的细节 总是混沌而无心感受 北京是化骨绵掌 一言不发随你打骂 可就是永远不被改变不受伤害 我真希望有一天能活得像它
又写不出长句子了 囧
每日一苹果 eason陪住我
生活是总攻 生活还是后妈 于是强大的生活就这样雌雄同体 颠倒伦理 自攻自受 生生不息
以上 就算为我的宅腐本性平了反 抱大腿感觉真好 =v=
听春虾开会作报告 烦躁难受到发慌 心跳着跳着就乱七八糟地流下泪来 感觉被虐 被强迫屈服与这样的智能性情之下对我简直是种侮辱 大学之后本来已经无所谓什么底线 嘻嘻哈哈也可以把内里保全 显露在外的部分从来就是一滩泥 或者边缘模糊的岛屿 以此在沼泽里用最省力的办法前行
志愿者培训又遇见cy 每次都以为是最后一面 心里大洒狗血 本来挺悲凉的事拖拖拉拉几个来回就美感尽失 当作是意外之喜吧 能装作蛋腚地交谈也是好的 虽然那婚戒越发耀眼(我靠这桥段真俗) 他谈吐里还奔流着少年的浅薄和热血 没有错 是那种熟悉的沾沾自喜和躁动 常见于9至16岁的青春期男青年 至少在我有发言权的领域是如此 言行之间火候正好的霸道 骄傲小孔雀的神态(求偶姿态漂亮持久,屁股还露在外面) 享受花团锦簇的虚荣 对自己魅力的笃定 对春光流转的萝莉塔微微仰视眼神里渴望的洞悉... 男女之间永远不停的角力 可能自从进入工业社会都大同小异 唯一的变化或许是 对这些我早就不优越也不愤怒 强极则辱是天大的真理 先一步放低了姿态 就再也没人有让你觉得被轻视的能力
睫毛天天掉进眼睛里 不痛不痒 烦得很
对于日常生活的细节 总是混沌而无心感受 北京是化骨绵掌 一言不发随你打骂 可就是永远不被改变不受伤害 我真希望有一天能活得像它
又写不出长句子了 囧
每日一苹果 eason陪住我
生活是总攻 生活还是后妈 于是强大的生活就这样雌雄同体 颠倒伦理 自攻自受 生生不息
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